I was looking for private wiki written by Markdown. This post introduces how to create a private wiki by mkdocs + GitLab CI + Heroku.
“mkdocs” is a simple document builder and converts documents in markdown to HTML. One of the famous themes is “material.”
site_name: Notebook theme: name: 'material' language: 'ja' extra: search: language: 'ja'
GitLab CI
Putting a config file .gitlab-ci.yaml
in the root path in git repository.
build-mdfiles: image: python:3.7-alpine stage: build script: - pip install -r requirements.txt - mkdocs build # test - apk add git - git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/nulltask/heroku-static-provider.git static-site - cd static-site/ - git config user.email 'koya@koyama.me' - git config user.name 'koya' - git remote add heroku https://heroku:$HEROKU_API_KEY@git.heroku.com/$HEROKU_APPNAME.git - git pull heroku master - cp -r ../site/* public/ - git add . - git commit -a -m `date +deploy_%Y%M%d_%H%m%S` - git push heroku master
Setting secret variables on Repository. Settings => CI/CD => Variables
Following these steps:
- Create Heroku account
- Setup Heroku CLI ENV
- Create a site on Heroku
heroku create
- Optional: If you wish to use BasicAuth, you should run these commands.
heroku config:set -a=koyawiki USER=YOUR_USER
heroku config:set -a=koyawiki PASS=YOUR_PASS